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光电功能材料与器件高峰论坛系列学术报告 John S.Tse
2023-11-17 16:12 苍睿柏 


1114日下午,光电带隙材料教育部重点实验室,物理与电子工程学院邀请加拿大皇家科学院院士John S.Tse作题为“Experimental and Theoretical High-Pressure Studies”报告。

报告内容: In this presentation,I will give a brief introduction to how synchrotronand theoretical techniques are applied to high-pressure research. Selected topicsinclude our recent studies on structures and structural phase transitions of simplesolids, superconductivity in polvhvdrdes,,methods for searching the lowest energytransformation paths and chemical processes at high pressures.

Dr. Tse joined the National Research Council in 1980 and became aPrincipal Research Officer. His interest in high-pressure science started in early 1990when he explained the phenomenon of pressure amorphization of crystalline solids. He moved to the University of Saskatchewan in 2004 as a Tier 1 Canada ResearchChair on synchrotron materials science, and was elected to a Fellow of the RoyalSociety, Canada in 2008. He has published over 600 articles, including 33 reviewsand book chapters on diverse subjects. His h-index is 80 with over 25,000 citations.Many of the papers appeared in the most prestigious scientific journals such asNature (11), Nature Materials (1), Nature Chemistry (1), Nature Comm. (2), Science(3), Sci. Adv. (2), Phys. Rev. Letts. (35), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (11), J. Amer. Chem.Soc.(16), Angewandt Chemie (5), Sci. Bull. (2) ... etc. He has presented over 300ectures at international conferences and workshops.    


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